Friday 5 August 2011


Pedestrian Daily did a piece on ZU Spring Summer 11/12 Campaign staring Erin McNaught.
I was going to write something but what they said is too true:

No matter how many times beauty pageant people say that beauty pageants are about inner beauty just as much as they are about outer beauty, they might as well give up and just shout random words instead - like "LEGS! BOOBS! LEGS! BOOBS! HAIR! HAIR! HAIR! HAIR! HAIR! HAIR! HAIR! TEETH! HAIR!" because all the girls are really really pretty. Erin McNaught was Miss Australia in 2006 and she is a great example of the kind of really really pretty girls that beauty pageants attract. She is the new ambassador of Australian footwear label Zu Shoes who told us they chose her because she is "fun, confident and possesses a stylish edge". Yes. Plus she looks super hot.

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