Wednesday 31 August 2011

NZFW Day 3: Lessons that Fashion Week taught me.

Day 2(technically 3) of NZFW was a good day, a long day, but a good one nonetheless. I died over the shoes at RUBY, snapped the beautiful people, photoshopped/wrote some shit(good shit) and learnt 5 new lessons:

LIAM/RUBY Front Row.

Lesson 9: Not everyone is awake small hours of the morning. Some people are normal and asleep by 12pm... Refrain from txting those people.

Lesson 10: Chiffon belt/trains are curiously alluring.

Lesson 11: Taxi drivers will never know where they are going and when they do they will always go THE LONGEST WAY POSSIBLE.

Lesson 12: Fashion people enjoy being papped. Even when you think they can't see you they can and even when they think you don't notice their sudden change into the: capture-my-good-side stance. YOU CAN.

See this dude in the blue socks? He knows he's being papped.
Wedge Heels to get me through...

Lesson 13: Running in wedge heels is surprisingly easy. However, make no mistake you will still look like a noob.

I just realised I have been watching Miley Cyrus prance around on E! channel for the last hour. I think I can feel my brain melting!


More lessons to come!!!!! (I know you're excited).

For more from NZFW checkout or THE best site ever.

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