Tuesday 30 August 2011

NZFW day 2: Lessons that Fashion week taught me

A full day of fashion fantasticalness occurred today at the Viaduct Events Center and as promised, here are todays lessons that Fashion Week taught me (continued):

Offending candy and spotty umbrella.
Lesson 4: In Auckland, you will always need an umbrella. When at fashion week you cannot afford to rock up with your face dripping wet and your hair plastered to your head.

Lesson 5: Don't eat the free BLUE candy in the gift bags. Blue lollies = Blue mouth = Not the most attractive smile.

Side note: Takeaway coffee and lipstick make for one slutty cup.
COOP goodie bag: Nail polish, chocolate & Vodka.

Lesson 6: If you have a weak bladder don't wear an outfit that requires you to TUCK IN YOUR SHIRT. The amount of time I wasted tucking and untucking...

Lesson 7: The 2nd Row is the worst row. Even if you feel more important, you cant see a fricken thing.

Lesson 8: Fashion loves Vodka.

Today I consumed a serious amount of caffeine: 3 long blacks and 1 (5dollar!!) Redbull. So, once again it is 12.13AM and I am wide awake (told you that lesson would go unlearnt).
While today morning met me at the leisurely time of 8.30AM, tomorrow will begin a little earlier in order to make it to the RUBY morning show!

Lessons 8 through 11 tomorrow!

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