Monday 29 August 2011


Today was the official beginning to fashion week... by official I mean the launch party was tonight, really the madness begins tomorrow. I have decided to do a daily post during NZFW about 'the lessons NZFW teaches you' because, as it is my first NZFW experience, there are sure to be many.

See that? I am a fash hag hehe

Today was rather a non-event as all I did was pick up my Media Registration pack along with all the other media/buyers/photographers but I think I can pull a few lessons out...

Lesson 1: If in doubt, go and grab a coffee. I arrived bang on 1PM to the registration (because I am cool like that) only to find that they were running a little behind schedule. So, instead of milling around the entrance looking like a confused tourist/fashion geek I went and grabbed a coffee. That way I looked l totally relaxed and breezed into the delegates line like I new exactly what I was doing.

Lesson 2: Don't wear clompy shoes across the new bridge-walkway. As soon as I took a step onto the bridge I felt like a giant elephant. Even over my ipod (may or may not have been Kanye/Jay Z) I could hear this massive CLANG as I walked. Great way to make normal, sensibly shoed people stare. 

Lesson 3: Pack flats. I pretty much ruined my feet today walking ALL OVER TOWN in my fashion-week-appropriate shoes. Seriously I walked from the ferry building to Uni to the Viaduct Events Center to Britomart LesMills to Other City LesMills. = Feet dead.  

Another potential lesson could be don't drink 2 coffees and a V because it will get to 12.11AM and you will still be wide awake.
But I think that one will go un-learnt as I will be throwing back as many of said beverages as I can to get me through the rest of the week. (Non sleepyness could also be because I am SUPER EXCITED!!!!!)

More lessons tomorrow!

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