Sunday, 4 September 2011

Lessons that Fashion Week taught me: Final.

Well thats that, it is over.

Fun? Yes. Eye-opening? Yes. Exhausting? Yes. Do it again? IN A HEART BEAT!!

"Sometimes I can't believe I talk about this crap all day." 
The perfect line to sum up the Friday vibes.

-Nigel, The Devil Wears Prada

Lesson 18: Even fashion people get tired of fashion. The media room was a buzz with people saying how OVER IT they were. Long days, short nights, high shoes and computer screen staring... Oh the hard times of NZFW.

Lesson 19: Eventually Photoshop will kill you. Hours of staring at your computer while that tiny little rainbow-wheel-of-death spins round and round is enough to drive anyone insane.

"F YOU!!!!!!"

Lesson 20: Don't try and get everything done when you are hungry, tired and sore. Important things will go unnoticed, mistakes will be made and you will fall asleep on your keypad.
Waking up with an indent in my forehead and about 1000 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMs across my half finished post was fun.

Lesson 21: Fashion media people are cool. Seriously, who made up the lie that we were all catty bitches?

Although.. I would not like to be on the wrong end of a fashion-media-death-stare

Lesson 22: Denim jeans a ratty t-shirt and a sunny afternoon. The best way to come down after NZFW craziness.

Back to reality

Well, that was my first NZFW! SUCH A GREAT WEEK... Don't forget to check out for a complete rundown on NZFW!

Now to write two 2000 word essay's. Bye bye semi-glamorous life, see you next year!

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