Saturday 10 September 2011

A little love from

If Hermione Granger had been into fashion we would have been best friends. I am hugely aware that you cannot learn everything from books... However this knowledge failed to stop me from ordering a few more from the bottomless pit that is 

I guess it is because I am trying to consume all the information I can get my hands on and sometimes the internet, shock horror, just doesn't offer the same depth as a good old fashioned book. 
It is also probably because I am so completely OBSESSED with achieving my 'dream' that I am utterly terrified that, if I don't consume every piece of vital (and non-vital) information, I will be tossed aside in wake of some fabulous all-knowing thirteen year old. 


 I have already devoured the deliciously glossy Teen Vogue Handbook and I am halfway through the surprisingly upbeat Writers Digest: Magazine Article Writing. Good times on a rainy Sunday!!

If you are equally as obsessed as I, all four are available to order on

Happy reading!

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